CBX is a digital asset trading platform dedicated to providing users with safe and professional digital currency trading services. The company has independent operating teams in UAE, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United Kingdom, other countries and regions. Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Medium.
Trading: -Maker: 0.10%; -Taker: 0.20%. It's free to deposit assets into your CBX account. Withdrawal fees will depend on the assets: for BTC, the withdrawal fee is fixed at 0.001BTC; for ETH, 0.01ETH. For more detailed information regarding fees, please visit the following link: https://customer.cbx.one/hc/en-us/articles/360019294451-CBX-Fee-Policy
Seotud teabevahetuste loend. Järgnevas nimekirjas on toodud kõige olulisemad krüptovahetused, mis toetavad Bitcoini, Ethereumi, Litecoini, XRP-d ja teisi kuulsaid alt-münte. Samuti annab see nimekiri ülevaate, mis näitab, millised vahetused on aktiivseks kauplemiseks paremad.