HBTC exchange is a 100% Token Holder Owned Trading Platform, jointly invested by Huobi, OKEx and other 56 first-class institutions. HBTC provides customers with spot, futures, options and other services, with additionally first tier liquidity of mainstream currencies and contract trading on the platform.Prior to its re-branding, the exchange was named "BHEX". Telegram | Facebook | Weibo | Medium .
For detailed information regarding fees, please visit the following link: https://support.hbtc.co/hc/en-us/articles/360009274694-Fee-Structure
Seotud teabevahetuste loend. Järgnevas nimekirjas on toodud kõige olulisemad krüptovahetused, mis toetavad Bitcoini, Ethereumi, Litecoini, XRP-d ja teisi kuulsaid alt-münte. Samuti annab see nimekiri ülevaate, mis näitab, millised vahetused on aktiivseks kauplemiseks paremad.