What does “XCOEX” mean? It’s simple: X stands for any cryptocurrency asset, CO - for “coin” and EX for “exchange”. XCOEX is about simplicity, starting from the fast identity verification and ending with the user-friendly interface. Its main strategy focuses on providing support, tools, and easily accessible services for both cryptocurrency enthusiasts and digital beginners from around the world: from fast KYC to user-friendly interface in multiple languages. Medium.
Instant Buy: 0.25% Comission. Exchange: -Maker: 0.09% - 0.15%; -Taker: 0.15% - 0.25%. To access the full detailed fee schedule, please visit <a href="https://xcoex.com/fees-and-limits" target="_blank">here</a>.
Lõõtsa tn 4, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 11415
Seotud teabevahetuste loend. Järgnevas nimekirjas on toodud kõige olulisemad krüptovahetused, mis toetavad Bitcoini, Ethereumi, Litecoini, XRP-d ja teisi kuulsaid alt-münte. Samuti annab see nimekiri ülevaate, mis näitab, millised vahetused on aktiivseks kauplemiseks paremad.