STEX is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform. It provides users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies. The platform facilitates the circulation of cryptocurrencies through crypto-based instruments and determination of their market prices. STEX charges a 0.2% fee on finished orders. Telegram | Medium.
Deposit Fees: -ETH - fee calculated; -ETH tokens - fee 0.007 ETH; -NXT - fee 2 NXT; -STEX - fee 4 NXT; -USDT - fee 0.002 BTC; -WAVES and assets - 0.002 WAVES; -Other coins or tokens are possible to see on tab, when the user clicks "deposit" opposite to user currency. Withdrawal Fees: -BTC - fee 0,001 - 0.002 BTC (sometimes network BTC is overload); -ETH - fee 0,005 ETH; -NXT - fee 2 NXT; -STEX - fee 4 NXT; -ALT - fee 0,003; -USDT - fee 0,002 BTC. Fee on finished orders is 0.1%.
관련 교환 목록입니다. 다음 목록에는 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP 및 기타 유명한 alt 동전을 지원하는 상위 암호화 교환이 포함되어 있습니다. 또한이 목록은 활성 거래를 위해 더 나은 거래소를 나타내는 간단한 개요를 제공합니다..