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NewsBTC 2021-11-22 09:36:50

How Litentry’s Innovative Crowdloan Program Gives DOT Holders A Chance To Maximize Their Rewards

The crypto space is becoming more and more interoperable, developers in search of great adoption and success will need to embrace this trend. Amongst the ruling blockchains, Polkadot and its unique approach to governance and interoperability are quickly becoming the hub for the projects that could usher the future of the industry. Unlike Ethereum, Cardano, and other blockchains, Polkadot leverages a distinctive mechanism that lets the community choose the projects that will occupy limited slots on the network. To participate in the auctions, projects need to gather enough funds. Once the process is completed, winning projects will be deployed via parachains, independent networks that power the protocols. This process has already unleashed a fearful competition with many projects, such as Moonbeam, Bifrost, Astar Network, and Litentry going strong to take the lead. Most of these projects offer a steady reward to gain community support and win the auction. Astar has introduced a 3-bonus level for its supporters with 5% of its native token ASTR locked as part of their Crowdloan. On the other hand, Moonbeam offers uses a portion of a 30% Crowdloan pool, but investors must wait until the project deploys its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Also, 70% of the rewards will be distributed in the 96 weeks leasing period for the slot. Of the aforementioned projects, the Crowdloan launch by decentralized identity aggr...

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