Based in China, CoinTiger is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform. It enables users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them using the respective available trading pairs. BTC, ETH, BitCNY or USDT are some of the main currencies available on CoinTiger. Both deposits and withdrawals are performed using exclusively cryptocurrencies. All crypto-currency pairs transaction charge a 0.1% transaction fee, while deposits cost 0%. Facebook | Weibo | Medium.
Transaction Fee: 0.1% Maker Fee: 0.08% Taker Fee: 0.15%
Eine Liste verwandter Börsen. Die folgende Liste enthält die Top-Crypto-Börsen, die Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP und andere berühmte Altmünzen unterstützen. Diese Liste bietet auch einen kurzen Überblick darüber, welche Börsen für den aktiven Handel besser geeignet sind.